jaybo hood
jaybo hood

WhatdoyouthinkhappenedtoJayboHood(thatkidfromIegowithallthereprogrammeddroids)aftertheCloneWars?,JayboHoodwasaten-year-oldhumanmalewholivedontheplanetIegoduringtheCloneWars.HewasamechanicwhotinkeredwithSeparatistbattledroids ...,I'llgiveoneperson...

Jaybo Hood

ChopperisaclonetrooperwhoservedinCloneSergeantSlick'splatoonduringtheCloneWars.Anaggressivesoldier,Chopperwasscarredduringabattle ...

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Celebrate the Clone Wars — What do you think happened to Jaybo ...

What do you think happened to Jaybo Hood (that kid from Iego with all the reprogrammed droids) after the Clone Wars?

Jaybo Hood - Wookieepedia

Jaybo Hood was a ten-year-old human male who lived on the planet Iego during the Clone Wars. He was a mechanic who tinkered with Separatist battle droids ...

Jaybo Hood (@JayboHood) X

I'll give one person who retweets this AND one new follower signed #StarWars KENOBI paperbacks! Drawing at 9 Central. http://t.co/fCBKCRCvdZ.

Jaybo Hood - The Clone Wars (TV Show)

David Kaufman is the voice of Jaybo Hood in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. TV Show: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Franchise: Star Wars ...

Jaybo Hood - Star Wars Guide

Jaybo Hood is a Character in the Star Wars universe. The young boy Jaybo Hood tinkered with battle droids to create an army of servants ...

Jaybo Hood

Chopper is a clone trooper who served in Clone Sergeant Slick's platoon during the Clone Wars. An aggressive soldier, Chopper was scarred during a battle ...

Was there anyone else like Jaybo Hood? : rStarWars

Is there someone I missed or out of the entire galaxy was there no one else who thought to reprogram the battle droids?

Jaybo Hood | Star Wars Databank

The young boy Jaybo Hood tinkered with battle droids to create an army of servants while living captive on the planet Iego during the Clone Wars.


WhatdoyouthinkhappenedtoJayboHood(thatkidfromIegowithallthereprogrammeddroids)aftertheCloneWars?,JayboHoodwasaten-year-oldhumanmalewholivedontheplanetIegoduringtheCloneWars.HewasamechanicwhotinkeredwithSeparatistbattledroids ...,I'llgiveonepersonwhoretweetsthisANDonenewfollowersigned#StarWarsKENOBIpaperbacks!Drawingat9Central.http://t.co/fCBKCRCvdZ.,DavidKaufmanisthevoiceofJayboHoodinStarWars:...