jaybo hood
WhatdoyouthinkhappenedtoJayboHood(thatkidfromIegowithallthereprogrammeddroids)aftertheCloneWars?,JayboHoodwasaten-year-oldhumanmalewholivedontheplanetIegoduringtheCloneWars.HewasamechanicwhotinkeredwithSeparatistbattledroids ...,I'llgiveoneperson...
ChopperisaclonetrooperwhoservedinCloneSergeantSlick'splatoonduringtheCloneWars.Anaggressivesoldier,Chopperwasscarredduringabattle ...
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Jaybo Hood - Wookieepedia
Jaybo Hood was a ten-year-old human male who lived on the planet Iego during the Clone Wars. He was a mechanic who tinkered with Separatist battle droids ...
Jaybo Hood (@JayboHood) X
I'll give one person who retweets this AND one new follower signed #StarWars KENOBI paperbacks! Drawing at 9 Central. http://t.co/fCBKCRCvdZ.
Jaybo Hood - Star Wars Guide
Jaybo Hood is a Character in the Star Wars universe. The young boy Jaybo Hood tinkered with battle droids to create an army of servants ...
Jaybo Hood
Chopper is a clone trooper who served in Clone Sergeant Slick's platoon during the Clone Wars. An aggressive soldier, Chopper was scarred during a battle ...
Jaybo Hood | Star Wars Databank
The young boy Jaybo Hood tinkered with battle droids to create an army of servants while living captive on the planet Iego during the Clone Wars.